To accommodate construction for upgrades at MSU Soccer Park, New York Red Bulls II will move six USL home matches to Red Bull Arena.
Recently, the Red Bulls and Montclair State University announced that upgrades are on tap at MSU Soccer Park, home to Red Bulls II. As part of that renovation project, the facility’s seating capacity will be expanded from 3,500 to 5,000. Along with the addition of new seating, two new locker rooms will be constructed next to the playing surface and the stadium’s turf will be replaced.
In order to accommodate the construction schedule for that project, Red Bulls II will move their first six home matches to Red Bull Arena, home of MLS’s New York Red Bulls. That includes the March 17 opener against Toronto FC II.
“We are excited to continue our investment at Montclair State University,” NYRB II General Manager Shaun Oliver said in a press statement. “These investments are important as it relates to the future of our New York Red Bulls II team. These upgrades will enable NYRB II to continue to compete at the highest level of USL for years to come, while also providing Montclair State University and the Montclair community a first-class facility for their teams and students.”
The lineup of home matches at Red Bull Arena will include games on March 17, March 31, April 14, May 6, May 27, and June 2. Red Bulls II’s return to MSU Soccer Park will take place on June 9, when the club hosts Charlotte Independence. The team’s full 2018 regular-season schedule can be found here.