During a recent gathering, Precourt Sports Ventures president Dave Greeley touted the potential of Austin as an MLS market.
It was learned last month that Columbus Crew SC owner Anthony Precourt is considering a relocation of the franchise to Austin. There has been no final decision to this point as to whether the club will leave Columbus, and any chance for an Austin MLS franchise will hinge in part on the ability to locate land for a new stadium.
At an event on Wednesday, Greeley spoke of the factors that could make Austin a strong MLS market. While he cautioned that finding an acceptable location for a new stadium will be a major factor in Crew SC’s decision, Greeley discussed what Austin would offer to the organization and the potential it sees in the city. More from The Austin American-Statesman:
“We love where Austin is today, but we really like where it is going tomorrow.”
That brought out a long, loud chant of “Austin, Texas” from the supporters.
Although Crew SC owner Anthony Precourt left the door open slightly to staying in Columbus if the city helps build a new stadium, Greeley spoke in glowing terms about Austin while touching on Columbus’ shortcomings.
“Austin is an incredibly dynamic marketplace,” he said. “It’s a multicultural, international city, very diverse, very inclusive, and that is the essence of the world’s game.
“I want to make two comments about Columbus. There is a dedicated, engaged, hard-core fan base that is as strong as any MLS team’s. Our challenge in Columbus is simple: We don’t have broad-based community support. Secondly, we don’t have the corporate support we need in Columbus.”
At a meeting on November 9, the Austin City Council is expected to discuss a resolution that would lead to city government and PSV collaborating to find underutilized parkland that could be used as the location for a privately-financed stadium. Crew SC is slated to spend 2018 at its current home, MAPFRE Stadium.
Photo by Matthew Bernhardt, via flickr.com.
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